About Us
Who Are We?
من نحن؟
The American Center for Human Rights and Social Services is a non-profit organization that champions the rights of individuals and communities facing hardship and discrimination. Our team is composed of passionate professionals committed to creating a society rooted in equality, justice, and compassion. We provide essential services and support to vulnerable populations, empowering them to know their rights. Through strategic partnerships, advocacy, and comprehensive programs, we strive to be a trusted resource and a catalyst for positive change, promoting social justice for all.
منظمة غير ربحية تعمل على دعم حقوق الفرد وكذلك تحسين الأوضاع للمجتمعات التي تواجه الصعوبات والتمييز. يتألف فريقنا من محترفين ملتزمين بخلق مجتمع يستند إلى المساواة والعدالة والرحمة. ونقدم الخدمات الأساسية والدعم للفئات الضعيفة ونمكنهم من معرفة حقوقهم وأن يكونوا صوتًا لأنفسهم. من خلال الشراكات الاستراتيجية والبرامج الشاملة. ونسعى جاهدين لنكون مصدر ثقة ودافعًا للتغيير الإيجابي، وذلك من خلال تعزيز العدالة الاجتماعية للجميع

Our Vision

A society that’s rooted in equality, justice, and compassion and to elevate communities through a range of social services.
مجتمع يرتكز على المساواة والعدالة والرحمة ورفع المستوى الاجتماعي للمجتمعات من خلال مجموعة متنوعة من الخدمات الاجتماعية

- Promoting equality, non-discrimination, and social justice.
- Safeguard and advance the rights and dignity of all individuals.
- Increase public awareness and support for human rights issues through joint campaigns and outreach initiatives.
- Empower individuals and communities by providing resources, education, and support to help them understand and assert their rights.
- Network with international and regional organizations to increase the impact of our mission and activities.
تعزيز المساواة وعدم التمييز والعدالة الاجتماعية –
حماية وتعزيز حقوق وكرامة جميع الأفراد –
زيادة الوعي العام والدعم لقضايا حقوق الإنسان من خلال الحملات المشتركة ومبادرات التوعية –
تمكين الأفراد والمجتمعات من خلال توفير الموارد والتعليم لمساعدتهم على فهم حقوقهم والتأكيد عليها –
التواصل مع المنظمات الدولية والإقليمية لزيادة تأثير رسالتنا و أنشطتنا –
What's Our Role

As an independent, non-profit organization, we recognize the crucial significance of protecting human rights in every country across the globe. It is from this standpoint that we at the American Center for Human Rights and Social Services undertake our vital role in monitoring, safeguarding, violations of these fundamental rights worldwide. Our organization is deeply committed to maintaining the integrity and dignity of all individuals, working tirelessly to ensure that human rights are respected and upheld for the betterment of societies everywhere.
What Sets Us Apart
We are a center for human rights and social services. We are distinguished by flexibility, efficiency, distance from political tensions and administrative and routine complexities. We are quick to move and respond to emergency conditions, humanitarian and natural disasters, relief and migration.